KU researchers join project aimed to examine ACA coverage for individuals with disabilities

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW)- University of Kansas researchers will be a part of a $2.5 million grant projected to examine the Affordable Health Care Act and its effects on individuals with disabilities.

The Collaborative on Health Reform and Independent Living, CHRIL, will take a five year look at whether it provides insurance to more individuals, how it affects independent living, employment, access to services and other factors. The project will focus on translating research into knowledge and advocacy for individuals with disabilities.

“We are interested in looking at the effects of ACA on several different populations, but especially on people working age, 18 to 64, because they’re typically the ones who rely on employer-provided insurance,” said Jae Kennedy, principal investigator of the grant. “People with chronic conditions were previously locked out of the private insurance market.”

Jean Hall, director of the Institute for Health and Disability Policy Studies and Noelle Kurth, senior research assistant to the Life Span Institute, will lead KU’s involvement in the study. They will oversee one of five projects. They will focus on examining health insurance outcomes for people with disabilities.

The research will look into consumer-reported experiences before and after ACA implementation, document users’ personal experiences and assess long-term experiences and outcomes.

KU researchers will partner with Washington State University, George Mason University, Independent Living Research Utilization and the Urban Institute for the study.