Community Health and Development
Research to improve the health of communities for the betterment of the individuals who live and work in them.

The communities around us greatly influence our long-term health and welfare. Through research and service, we seek to improve the health and well-being of the communities we serve through collaborative and community-based participatory research, training, resources and services in areas as diverse as early childcare, juvenile justice, and community enrichment.
Research Highlights

Introducing Christina Holt
Christina Holt works to give people tools to change the world and to measure progress along the way. She specializes in capacity building for community change and improvement and supporting evaluation of community-based efforts.

News: Justice Action Toolkit
When protests erupted over ongoing systemic racism in spring 2020, entrepreneur David Dennis was reminded of the stories his mother had told him of the civil rights movement in the 60s. In a search for resources and answers, he discovered the Community Tool Box, a global resource developed at KU.

Community Health News
At the Life Span Institute, we improve the quality of people’s lives through research. Explore and share stories you’ll find here about our investigators, students and staff, and the outcomes of our research.
Community Health and Development News
Browse news and blog posts about our community health and development research.