Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Our research in this area seeks to understand the origins of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders, language delay, Down Syndrome, and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Our research in this area seeks to understand the origins of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders, language delay, Down Syndrome, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Our scientists are also integrally involved in the conception and implementation of interventions designed to enhance the quality of life, self-determination, and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Featured Research: Fragile X Lab
The Fragile X Lab is runs what may be the longest study of individuals with Fragile X and their mothers. They are working to determine how the challenges, needs or successful transitions of individuals with Fragile X and their families evolve into young adulthood.

Research Highlights

News: Supporting Career Development
A new federally funded grant may help Kansans with intellectual and developmental disabilities while expanding the capacity of local communities throughout the state to support those individuals in their career development.

Publication: Promoting Implementation Fidelity of the SDMLI
For complex interventions, such as the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI), there is an ongoing need to refine conceptualizations of fidelity of implementation and the factors that influence it in inclusive educational contexts.

Intellectual and Developmental Disability News
At the Life Span Institute, we improve the quality of people’s lives through research. Explore and share stories you’ll find here about our investigators, students and staff, and the outcomes of our research.