Finance and Planning

Post-award staff provide overall financial management of state, research, endowment, and fee for service resources.
Specific services include:
- Reviewing and processing all financial transactions, including purchasing supplies, P-card reconciliation, travel and paying invoices
- Auditing to ensure compliance with the sponsoring agency, university and research office requirements
- Serving as a liaison between the university, SSC, management, and others when necessary
- Monitoring salary and fringe benefits ensuring key salary commitments are met
- Cost-share monitoring to ensure obligations are met and in compliance with granting agency
- Preparing and submitting appointment forms, funding changes, adding cost-share, and terminations by pay period deadlines. This includes providing information for course buyouts and entering faculty summer pay
- Coordinating sponsorship for scholars and GRA’s
- Initiating business service and fee-for-service agreements with the Office of Research
- Providing financial information for annual and final reports
- Providing project close-out services
$ Post-award services are offered without cost to any investigator who uses Life Span Institute services to apply for external funding.
Jennifer Holwick, associate director of finance and planning