Health and Disability Policy
Research explores how communities can better support the independence, education and careers of people with disabilities to assure quality of life.

The Life Span Institute was founded as a research center focused on improving the lives of individuals with disabilities of all kinds, and public advocacy for individuals with disabilities has been an emphasis for more than 40 years. We study how public policy, law and innovation affect the health and wellbeing of people with disabilities. We also explore how communities can better support the independence, education and careers of people with disabilities to assure quality of life.
Research Highlights

Featured Research Center: IHDPS
The Institute for Health and Disability Policy Studies conducts timely and meaningful research and evaluation to inform health and disability policy, with the goal of improving access and quality of care for all people, particularly for those with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

Promoting Self-Determination for Students with Disabilities
This study will empirically develop and test an interactive web application that will increase the knowledge and skills to effectively set and attain academic, behavior, and transition-related goals, leading to increased self-determination and goal attainment among adolescents with high-incidence disabilities.

Health and Disability Policy News
At the Life Span Institute, we improve the quality of people’s lives through research. Explore and share stories you’ll find here about our investigators, students and staff, and the outcomes of our research.