Child Development
Research to help children learn, grown and reach their full potential from infancy into adolescence and adulthood.

Experiences and conditions in early childhood has been shown to have disproportionate effects on human development across the entire life span. The Life Span Institute's research in child development is done with the goal to empower parents and practitioners to meet children's earliest developmental and health needs. We hope to ensure all children can reach their potential as they grow through adolescence and adulthood.
Research Highlights

Introducing Investigator Kathryn Bigelow
Associate Research Professor Kathryn Bigelow focuses on early childhood language and social-emotional development, and on the translation of evidence-based interventions for parents, care providers, home visitors, and early intervention providers.

News: DHA and Development
University of Kansas researchers have reported that pregnant women who consumed a supplement of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a nutrient added to U.S. infant formulas since 2002, tend to have children with higher fat-free body mass at 5 years old.

Child Development News
At the Life Span Institute, we improve the quality of people’s lives through research. Explore and share stories you’ll find here about our investigators, students and staff, and the outcomes of our research.
Child Development News
Browse recent news stories and blog posts about our child development research, scientists and studies.