Equity Leadership in High Needs Schools

The Dole building on a sunny summer day with blue sky and clouds.

SWIFT Education Center is engaging in research of the promising practice referred to as the Equity Leadership Series. This series increases Principal competencies as instructional and transformational leaders in high need schools through professional development, job-embedded coaching, formative organizational assessment, and continuous improvement practices. Specifically, the project goals are to: (1) develop equity leaders who transform school cultures and improve student outcomes; (2) create district capacity to sustain and develop future equity leaders; (3) establish What Works Clearinghouse Moderate Evidence for the Equity Leadership Series; and (4) disseminate the Equity Leadership Series with associated portable competency-based micro-credentialing on a national level.

Project details

  • Primary Investigator: Amy McCart

  • Project start Date: 10/01/2018

  • Project finish Date: 09/30/2021



  • Office of Innovation and Improvement; US Department of Education

  • Award Number: 84-423A2018-2
