Amy McCart

- Co-Director & Research Professor, SWIFT Education Center
- Adjunct Faculty, Department of Special Education
Contact Info
1315 Wakarusa Drive
Lawrence, KS 66049-3830
Biography —
Dr. Amy McCart is a Research Professor with Life Span Institute and Adjunct Faculty with the Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas (KU). She is Co-Director of KU’s SWIFT Education Center, a national pre-K-12 research and technical assistance center designed to improve outcomes for all students, with emphasis on students of color and those with the most extensive need for support. She is the Principal Investigator for many Center research projects focused on enhancing student outcomes at the intersection of equity, MTSS, and high quality, effective instructional leaders. Her partnership networks with SEAs, LEAs, and schools have promoted effective integrated MTSS implementation from coast-to-coast. Most recently, she published a book, Leading Equity-Based MTSS for All Students. She continues to contribute to the literature in several peer-reviewed journals and other publications related to MTSS, equity, and issues of social justice to ultimately improve the lives of children. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Behavioral Sciences: Human Development and Family Life, and a Masters and PhD in Special Education from KU.
Education —
Selected Publications —
- Choi, J. H., Sailor, W., McCart, A. B., & Meisenheimer, J. M. (2018). Effects of an equity-based model of inclusive school reform on math achievement of students with IEPs. Submitted manuscript.
- Sailor, W., McCart, A. B. Choi, J. H. (2018). Re-conceptualizing inclusive education through multi-tiered system of support. Inclusion, 6, 2-18.
- McCart, A., McSheehan, M., Sailor, W., Mitchiner, M., & Quirk, C. (2016). SWIFT differentiated technical assistance. (White paper). Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- Choi, J. H., Meisenheimer, J. M., McCart, A. B., & Sailor, W. (2016). Improving learning for all students through equity-based inclusive reform practices: effectiveness of a fully integrated schoolwide model on student reading and math achievement. Remedial and Special Education [online], 1-14.
- Algozzine, B., Morsbach Sweeney, H., Choi, J. H., Horner, R., Sailor, W., McCart, A. B., Satter, A., & Lane, K. L. (2016). Development and preliminary technical adequacy of the Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation Fidelity of Implementation Tool. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment [online],1-21. [doi: 0734282915626303
- Shogren, K., McCart, A., Lyon, K., & Sailor, W. (2015). All means all: Building knowledge for inclusive schoolwide transformation. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 40(3), 173-191.
- McCart, A., McSheehan, M., & Sailor, W. (2015). Differentiated technical assistance for sustainable transformation. SWIFT Technical Assistance Brief #2. Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- McCart, A. B. & Sailor, W. (2015). Who is my brother’s keeper? All of us. (Issue Brief #5). Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- McCart, A., Sailor, W., Bezdek, J., & Satter, A. (2014). A framework for inclusive educational delivery systems. Inclusion, 2(4), 252-264.
- Sailor, W. & McCart, A. (2014). Stars in alignment. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 39(1), 55-64.
- Algozzine, B., Morsbach Sweeney, H., Choi, H., Horner, R., Sailor, S., McCart, A., Satter, A., & Lane, K. (2014). SWIFT Fidelity of Implementation Tool (SWIFT FIT): Development and preliminary technical adequacy. Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- Sailor, W., McCart, A., McSheehan, M., Mitchiner, M. & Quirk, C. (2014). SWIFT technical assistance process (TA Brief #1). Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- Mitchiner, M., McCart, A., Kozleski, E., Sweeney, H., & Sailor, W. (2014). Emerging trends and future directions in effective, inclusive elementary schools for students with extensive support needs. In J. McLeskey, N. Waldron, F. Spooner, & B. Algozzine (Eds.), Handbook of research and practices for effective inclusive schools (Chapter 34). New York: Routledge.
- Haines, S.J., McCart, A., & Turnbull, A.P. (2013). Family engagement within early childhood Response to Intervention. In V. Buysse and E. Peisner-Feinberg (Eds.) Handbook on Response to Intervention (RTI) in early childhood. New York: Brook.
- McCart, A., Lee, J., Frey, A., Wolf, N. & Choi, J. H. (2010). Comprehensive response to intervention in early childhood: Multi-tiered supports promoting family engagement. Early Childhood Services: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Effectiveness 4(2), (87-104).
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., Sweeney, H. & Choi, H. (2009). The application of a family-based multi-tiered system of support. NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field 12(2), (pp.122-132).
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., Sweeney, H. M., Markey, U., & Markey, D. J. (2008). Families facing extraordinary challenges in urban communities: Systems level application of positive behavior support. In M. C. Roberts (Series, Ed.), & W. Sailor, G. Dunlap, G. Sugai, & R. Horner. Handbook of positive behavior support. (pp. 257-277). New York: Springer.
- Putnam, B., McCart, A., Griggs, P. & Choi, J. H. (2008). Implementation of school-wide positive behavior support in urban settings. In M. C. Roberts (Series, Ed.), & W. Sailor, G. Dunlap, G. Sugai, & R. Horner. Handbook of positive behavior support. New York: Springer.
- Sugai, G., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, R., Barrett, S., Lewis, T., Anderson, C., Bradley, R., Choi, J. H., Dunlap, G., Eber, L., George, H., Kincaid, D., McCart, A., Nelson, M., Newcomer, L., Putnam, R., Riffel, L., Rovins, M., Sailor, W., Simonsen, B. (2010). School-wide positive behavior support: Implementers’ blueprint and self-assessment. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon.
- Hall, T. P., Turnbull, A. P., McCart, A., Griggs, P., Choi, J-H., Markey, U., Markey, D.J. & Sailor, W. (2007). The effects of positive behavior support parent-training programs on parent-child relationships in culturally and linguistically diverse families. Multiple Voices 10(1 & 2), 191-210.
- Wang, M., McCart, A., & Turnbull, A.P. (2007). Implementing positive behavior support with Chinese American families: Enhancing cultural competence. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 9(1), 38-51.
- Dunlap, G., Strain, P.S., Fox, L., Carta, J.J., Conroy, M., Smith, B., Kern, L., Hemmeter, M. L., Timm, M. L., McCart, A., Sailor, W., Markey, U., Markey, D.J., Lardieri, S., & Sowell, C. (2006). Prevention and intervention with young children’s challenging behavior: A summary and perspective regarding current knowledge. Behavioral Disorders, 32, 29-45.
- Sailor, W., Zuna, N., Choi, J., Thomas, J., McCart, A., & Roger, B. (2006). Anchoring school-wide positive behavior support in structural school reform. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 31(1), 18-30.
- Warren, J.S., Edmonson, H.M., Griggs, P., Lassen, S.R., McCart, A., Turnbull, A.P., & Sailor, W. (2004). Urban applications of school-wide positive behavior support: Critical issues and lessons learned. In L.M. Bambara, G. Dunlap, & I.S. Schwartz (Eds.), Positive behavior support: Critical articles on improving practice for individuals with severe disabilities (pp. 376-387). Pro-Ed and TASH.
- Turnbull, A., Edmonson, H., Griggs, P., Wickham, D., Sailor, W., Beech, S., Freeman, R., Guess, D., Hale, N., Lassen, S., McCart, A., Riffel, L., Smerchek, D., Turnbull, H.R., Warren, J., & Wilcox, B. (2002). A Blueprint for School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Full Implementation of Three Components. Exceptional Children 68(3), 377-402.
- Freeman, R. L., Baker, D., Horner, R. H., Smith, C., Britten, J., & McCart, A. (2002). Broadening functional assessment: A systems perspective. In K. C. Lakin & N. Weisler (Eds.), Alternative community behavioral support and crisis response programs. [Monograph]. American Association on Mental Retardation.
- Sailor, W., Scott, T. M., Nelson, C. M., Freeman, R., Smith, C., Britten, J., and McCart, A. (2000). Using information technology to prepare personnel to implement functional behavioral assessment and positive behavioral support. Exceptionality, 8(3), 217-230.
- Freeman, R. L., Britten, J., McCart, A., Smith, C., & Sailor, W. (2000). Setting Events (Module 4) Intervention strategies: Part I. Lawrence, KS: Kansas University Affiliated Program, Center for Research on Learning.
- Smith, C., McCart, A., Britten, J., Freeman, R. L., & Sailor, W. (2000). Person-centered planning (Module 7). Creating positive lifestyles. Lawrence, KS: Kansas University Affiliated Program, Center for Research on Learning.
- Freeman, R. L., Britten, J., McCart, A., Smith, C., & Sailor, W. (2000). School-wide discipline (Module 6) Redesigning Environments. Lawrence, KS: Kansas University Affiliated Program, Center for Research on Learning.
- Freeman, R. L., McCart, A., Britten, J., Smith, C., & Sailor, W. (2000). Designing PBS plans (Module 3). Development and implementation of PBS plans. Lawrence, KS: Kansas University Affiliated Program, Center for Research on Learning.
- Freeman, R. L., McCart, A., Britten, J., Smith, C., & Sailor, W. (1999). Crisis prevention (Module 5) Intervention strategies: Part II. Lawrence, KS: Kansas University Affiliated Program, Center for Research on Learning.
- Freeman, R. L., Britten, J., McCart, A., Smith, C., Heitzman-Powell, L., Baker, D., & Sailor, W. (1999). (Module 1) Foundations of positive behavioral support. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas UAP, Center for Research on Learning.
- Freeman, R. L., Britten, J., McCart, A., Smith, C., Poston, D., Anderson, D., Edmonson, H., Sailor, W., Baker, D., Guess, D., & Reichle, J. (1999). (Module 2) Functional Assessment [Online]. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas UAP, Center for Research on Learning.
- Freeman, R. L., Britten, J., McCart, A., Smith, C., & Sailor, W. (1999). (Module 1-7) Foundations of positive behavioral support [Online]. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Continuing Education, Center for Research on Learning.
- Pollitt, D., McCart, A., Satter, A., Meisenheimer, J., Morsbach Sweeney, H., Horner, R., Algozzine, B., Lane, K., Roger, B., Choi, J. H., & Sailor, W. (2018). Schoolwide integrated framework for transformation fidelity of implementation tool. v. 2.0 Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Education Center. (2018). Schoolwide integrated framework for transformation fidelity integrity assessment. v. 2.0 Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Education Center. (2017). MTSS starter kit. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center (2017). Master scheduling tool. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2017). Fidelity integrity assessment tracking tool. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2017). Multi-tiered system of support: Universal, Additional, Intensified. [3 part short films]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2016). Together. [short film]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2016). Whatever it takes. [short film]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2016). SWIFT Data Wall. [web application] Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2016). SWIFT technical assistance playbook [online tools]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2016). SWIFT-My Brother's Keeper task force report. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- McCart, A. B. (2016). Inclusive School Reform: Report on UNICEF U.S. Delegation to Republic of South Africa, Department of Basic Education. Letter to Dr. Selete Avoke, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Washington, DC.
- SWIFT Center. (2015). SWIFT in 60 [10 video series]. Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- Sailor, W., & McCart, A. B. (2014). SWIFT Center Briefing Book: 3+2 Evaluation Report. Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- SWIFT Center. (2014). SWIFT field guide [online tools]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2014). All Means All: Ending segregation in schools and achieving education and excellence for all. Special issue of TASH Connections, 40(2), 1-18.
- SWIFT Center. (2014). All means all. A SWIFT overview. [video]. Lawrence, KS: SWIFT Center.
- McCart, A. (February 20, 2014). All means ALL: The SWIFT Center and inclusive education. In The Classroom at Swift Schools website
- SWIFT Center (2013). Introduction to SWIFT. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center (2013). Research document supporting SWIFT domains and features. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center (2013). SWIFT overview. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center (2013). SWIFT domains and features at Henderson School [video]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center (2013). What is SWIFT [video]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- SWIFT Center. (2013). SWIFT schools [website]. Lawrence, KS: Author.
- Royer, C., McCart, A., & Edwards, J. (2011). Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention Services, LLC. Professional Development Curriculum for Individuals with Crisis Behavior in the Community. Overland Park, KS.
- McCart, A. & Wolf, N. (Spring/Summer 2011). School-wide positive behavioral support: Promoting social-emotional well-being of all. IMPACTS: Feature Issue on Support the Social Well-Being of children and Youth with Disabilities, 24(1)
- Cornett, J., Palmer, A. & McCart, A. (2011) Oklahoma State Department of Education Statewide Manual for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support. Training manual for state coordinators of PBIS. Oklahoma City, OK.
- Tucker, M., Little, A., Freeman, R., McCart, A., Griggs, P., & Reese, M. (February, 2010). Family support evaluation tool. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Adapted from: School-wide Evaluation Tool version 2.0. Sugai, Lewis-Palmer, Todd & Horner (November, 2001). Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
- Choi, J. H., McCart, A., & Sailor, W. (2010). SAM: School-wide applications model brief. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
- Dunlap, G., Lewis, T., & McCart, A. (April, 2006). Program-wide positive behavior support for young children. National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support. Newsletter. Spring Issue.
- Bezdek, J., McCart, A., Choi, H., & Griggs, P. (Fall, 2006). PBS Connections Newsletter, 1(1).
- Thomas, J., McCart, A., Tieghi, C., Griggs, P., Freeman, R., Kimbrough, P., & Viswanadha, L. (Spring, 2006). Kansas Institute for Positive Behavior Support Family Newsletter, 1(2).
- Thomas, J., Kimbrough, P., Tieghi, M., Freeman, R., McCart, A., & Viswanadha, L. (Winter, 2006). Kansas Institute for Positive Behavior Support Family Newsletter,1(1).
- McCart, A., Griggs, P., Sailor, W., & Bezdek, J. (2006). Effective instructional practices in early childhood settings. Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior, Tampa, FL.
- Bezdek, J., McCart, A., & Griggs, P., (2006). What is school-wide positive behavior support? National Down Syndrome Congress. Down Syndrome Newsletter.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman-Juracek, D. (2006). Practical strategies for supporting families in the use of positive behavior support. Newsletter. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
- McCart, A., & Sailor, W., (2003). Using empowerment evaluation to establish and sustain schoolwide positive behavior support. TASH Connections 29(1/2), 25-27.
- McCart, A., Griggs, P. & Choi, J. H. (2003). Positive behavior support in Kansas: Team based approach for a safe learning environment and school improvement. Newsletter University of Kansas and Kansas City Kansas Public Schools.
- Lassen, S. R., Steele, M. M., McCart, A., Wolf, N. Wickham, D., Griggs, P., Beegle, G., & Sailor, W, Shannon, L. Englebrick, L. & Harsh, R. (2003). Data-based decision making in schools: development of the PBS data analyzer. Development Report Kansas City Kansas Public Schools and Software Outfitters.
- McCart, A., & Turnbull, A. (2002). The issues: behavioral concerns within inclusive classrooms. PBS TeacherSource, From The Start.
- McCart, A., & Turnbull, A. (2002). The issues: Behavioral concerns. PBS TeacherSource, From The Start.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2002). Behavior Summary: Functional assessment tool. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2003) BAIS: Behavior analysis and intervention summary. Simplified functional assessment tool. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
- McCart, A., & Turnbull, R. H., Bieker, R., & Biles, D. (2001). The legal implications of student suicide for families and their schools. Unpublished manuscript. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
- The Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies at the University of Kansas Annual Report 2004-2005. Impact on Kansas. School-Wide Positive Behavior Support. Wildcat Way. Featured Article.
- Choi, J. H, McCart, A., & Riffel, L. (2010). National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Support and Intervention Website Re-Design and Development.
- McCart, A. & Bannerman-Juracek, D. (2008). Positive Behavior Support: Developing effective strategies to address challenging behavior. University of Oklahoma. National Center for Disability Education and Training, Positive Behavioral Support Module for Job Coaches.
- Harsh, R., Englebrick, L., McCart, A., & Griggs, P. (2004). Web-Based Integrated Data System: Positive Behavioral Support Data Analyzer. Software Outfitters and University of Kansas.
- Sailor, W., McCart, A., & Keetle, S. (2004) Creating a unified system of integrating general and special education for the benefit of all students [video]. Produced by Leonard Burrello. This video features the School-wide Application Model (SAM) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS) at White Church Elementary School in Kansas City, Kansas. Video.
Selected Presentations —
- McCart, A. (August 6-7,2018). Foundations of MTSS, CA Cohort 3. Presented at Inyo County Department of Education in Bishop, California.
- Olmstead, C., Marriott, R., Miller, D., McCart, A., McSheehan, M. (July 2018). County Office CA MTSS Facilitator Training. Presented at the 2018 National MTSS Professional Learning Institute, Sacramento, CA.
- McCart, A. (July 2018). Implementing MTSS in Alternative Education. Presented at the 2018 National MTSS Professional Learning Institute, Sacramento, CA.
- McCart, A., Devoll, R. (July 2018). Leadership Development in MTSS/ Shifting Reacting to Creating. Presented at the 2018 National MTSS Professional Learning Institute, Sacramento, CA.
- Mijares, A., McCart, A., Montes, E. & Olmstead, C. (2018, February). Transforming school culture through MTSS. Presented at College Board Regional Forum, Las Vegas.
- Mijares, A., Montes, E., Hukkanen, S., & McCart, A. (2017). All means all: Equity and access for all students through an MTSS framework. Presented at College Board Forum 2017, New York.
- McCart, A. (2017, various) Promoting success for all students through the California SUMS Initiative. Presented at multiple California County Offices of Education.
- Olmstead, C., Hukkanen, S., & McCart, A. (2017, July). Scaling up a multi-tiered system of support. Presented at 2017 National MTSS Professional Learning Institute, Costa Mesa, CA.
- McCart, A. (2017, February). Making it personal: extended session on MTSS/SUMS. Presented at 2017 Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) Leadership Symposium of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association, Anaheim, CA.
- McCart, A. (2016, September). MTSS Implementation for School-wide Success. Presented at Orange County Department of Education, Cost Mesa, CA.
- McCart, A. (2016, July). SWIFT and MTSS. Opening remarks. Presented to SWIFT 2016 National Professional Learning Institute, Arlington, VA.
- McCart, A. (2016, June). California SUMS initiative: Defining region leadership roles and responsibilities. Presented at Orange County Department of Education, SUMS Initiative, Costa Mesa, CA.
- McCart, A. (2016, June). California SUMS initiative: Professional learning. Presented at Butte County Department of Education, Oroville City, CA.
- McCart, A. (2016, June). California SUMS initiative: Professional learning. Presented at Orange County Department of Education, SUMS Initiative, Costa Mesa, CA.
- McCart, A. (2016, May). Planning for a SWIFT TA partnership in California SUMS initiative. Presented at Orange County Department of Education, SUMS Initiative, Costa Mesa, CA.
- McCart, A. (2016, March). SWIFT technical assistance for MTSS scale-up. Presented at California Department of Education. Sacramento, CA.
- McCart, A. (2016, February). Introduction to SWIFT MTSS. Presented at Orange County Department of Education, SUMS Initiative, Costa Mesa, CA.
- McCart, A. (February, 2016). SWIFT differentiated technical assistance for sustainable equity-based inclusive education. Presented at Department of Basic Education, Republic of South Africa [Invited Presentation, U.S. UNICEF Delegation].
- McCart, A & Moutry, A. (2016, January). SWIFT – Baltimore City Public School Literacy Learning Initiative. Presented at Baltimore, MD.
- Sailor, W., & McCart, A. (2015, August). SWIFT. Presented at Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Washington, DC.
- McCart & McSheehan, M. (2015, May). SWIFT Differentiated technical assistance process, Presented at SWIFT National Leadership Consortium, Kansas City, MO.
- McCart, A. (2015, April). SWIFT Differentiated Technical Assistance, Presented at TA&D Program Area Virtual Meeting.
- McCart, A., & Quirk, C. (2015, April). Transforming school practices to teach all students. Presented at Council for Exceptional Children, San Diego, CA.
- McCart, A. (2015, March). SWIFT. Presented to CEEDAR Center, Virtual Meeting.
- McCart, A. & McSheehan, M. (2015, February). SWIFT Intensive Technical Assistance Process. Presented at PBIS-SWIFT TA Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Sailor, W., McCart, A., Quirk, C., & Dunford, P. (2014, July). From Silos to SWIFT. Presented at OSEP Project Director Conference, Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. (2014, February). Do you really mean all? PBIS as a driver of inclusive school reform supporting students with extensive needs [Keynote]. Presented at 12th Annual Northwest PBIS Conference. Portland, OR.
- McCart, A. (2014, February). All means all: What we are learning at the SWIFT Center. Presented at PEAK Parent Center Conference on Inclusive Education. Denver, CO.
- McCart, A. (2013, December). Launching SWIFT in Vermont. Presented at VT.
- McCart, A. (2013, November). SWIFT Domains and Features, National Leadership Consortium. Presented at Kansas City, MO.
- McCart, A. (2013, November). Launching SWIFT in Oregon. Presented at OR.
- McCart, A. (2013, October). Launching SWIFT in Maryland. Presented at MD.
- McCart, A. (2013, October). Launching SWIFT in Mississippi. Presented at Jackson, MI.
- McCart, A. (2013, October). The SWIFT Center. Presented at 2013 PBIS Leadership Forum PBIS: Equity in Education – Making Education Work for All. Chicago, IL.
- McCart, A. (2013, October). Creating Partnerships Through Knowledge Sharing. Presented at Stoughton, WI
- McCart, A. (2013, August). Learning Session Effective Implementation Of College And Career Ready Standards For All Students. Presented at U.S. Secretary of Education-Arnie Duncan National Education Team, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC.
- Sailor, W., McCart, A., & McSheehan, M. (2013, July). Strengths Based Strategies for Districts and Schools to Meet the Needs of All Students. Presented at OSEP Project Director’s Meeting, Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. (2013, July). Cross Center Collaboration: Working Together For Change. Presented at TACC. Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. (2013, July). All Means All. Presented at SWIFT Professional Learning Institute, Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. (2013, June). Building Sustainability Through SWIFT: School-wide Integrated Framework for Transformation. Presented at Chicago, IL.
- McCart, A. (2013, May). Oregon State Department of Education SWIFT State Partnerships: Working Together To Transform Schools. Presented at Oregon State Department of Education.
- McCart, A. (2013, May). The Who, What and Why of SWIFT? Presented at Kansas City, MO.
- McCart, A. (2013, April). Idaho State Department of Education SWIFT State Partnerships: Working Together To Transform Schools. Presented at Idaho State Department of Education.
- McCart, A. (2013, April). The Who, What and Why of SWIFT? Advisory Group, Presented at Kansas City, MO.
- McCart, A. (2013, March). Vermont State Department of Education SWIFT State Partnerships: Working Together To Transform Schools. Presented at Vermont State Department of Education
- McCart, A. (2013, March). Massachusetts State Department of Education SWIFT State Partnerships: Working Together To Transform Schools. Presented at Massachusetts State Department of Education.
- McCart, A. (2013, March). Michigan State Department of Education SWIFT State Partnerships: Working Together To Transform Schools. Presented at Michigan State Department of Education.
- McCart, A. (2013, March). The SWIFT Center: School-wide Integrated Framework for Transformation. Presented at 2013 Leveraging Resource Conference, TACC. Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. (2013, February). Creating Partnerships Through Knowledge Sharing. SWIFT Center. Presented at Camdenton, MO.
- Sailor, W. & McCart, A. (2012). Multi-tiered systems of supports and students with significant disabilities supported by intensity of supports within inclusive settings. Presented at 2012 TASH Conference. Long Beach, CA.
- McCart, A. (2011, August). RtI: Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners. Presented at SAMSCHOOLS, Winter Institute, Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. (2011, August). Intensive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS at Tier 3). Presented at SAMSCHOOLS, Winter Institute, Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. (2010, Spring). Individual Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support: Functional Behavioral Assessment. Presented at Georgia Department of Education, Savannah, GA.
- McCart, A. (2010, September). Implementing Positive Behavior Support Across the Tiers. Presented at Oklahoma State Department of Education, Tulsa and Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A., & Wolf, N. (2010, Winter). Effective Inclusion in Private School Settings. Presented at Stanley British Primary School, Denver, Colorado.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek. (2010, November,). Implementing Positive Behavior Support for Job Coaches/Employment Specialist. Presented at University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek. (2010, April). Intensive Teaching Skills for Effective Job Coaching. Presented at University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK.
- McCart, A. (2010, February). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Oklahoma State Department of Education. Presented workshop titled Active Supervision Skills, Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2010, March). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Oklahoma State Department of Education. Presented workshop titled Staff Reinforcement and Positive Behavioral Support and State Assessments. Oklahoma City, OK
- McCart, A. (2010, March). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Oklahoma State Department of Education. Presented at School-wide Motivation Systems. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2010, May). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Oklahoma State Department of Education. Pre-Teaching at Tier 2. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2010, January). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Oklahoma State Department of Education. Presented at Identifying Patterns of Problem Behavior and Re-Teaching Behavior Expectations. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2010, January). SSBD: How to Use Universal Screening to Monitor Student Behavioral Outcomes. Presented at SAMSCHOOLS, Winter Institute, Washington, DC.
- McCart, A. & Choi, J. H. (2009, March). Improving PBS Implementation in Urban Schools Using a Structural School Reform Process. Presented at Association of Positive Behavioral Support. St. Louis, MO.
- McCart, A. & Wolf, N (2009, February). Universal Positive Behavior Support. Presented at Oklahoma City and Tulsa, OK.
- McCart, A., Riffel, L., & Wolf, N. (2009, July). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Presented at Oklahoma State Department of Education, Professional Development Training Sequence.
- McCart, A. (2009, September). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Presented at Oklahoma State Department of Education, What is a Coach? Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2009, October,). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Presented at Oklahoma State Department of Education, Classroom Support for Reductions in ODRs? Universal Screening. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2009, November). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Presented at Oklahoma State Department of Education. Parent, Family and Community Engagement. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2009, December). Statewide PBIS Coaches Training, Presented at Oklahoma State Department of Education. Positive Behavioral Support Lesson Planning. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2008, June). Positive Behavioral Support Strategies in Early Childhood Settings. Presented at Early Childhood Governor’s Institutes. KeyStone College, PA.
- McCart, A. (2008, July). Positive Behavioral Support Strategies in Early Childhood Settings. Presented at Early Childhood Governor’s Institutes. Juniata College, PA.
- Sailor, W., McCart, A., & Choi, H. (2008, December). Response to Intervention for All Students. Presented at TASH, Nashville, TN.
- McCart, A., & Wolf, N., (2008, August). Co-Teaching in the Washington DC Public Schools. Presented at Washington, DC.
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., & Roger, B., (2008, March). Getting Started with PBS, RtI and Inclusionary Practices. Presented at Washington DC Summer Training Institute. Washington DC Public School District.
- Wolf, N. & McCart, A. (2008, October). Use of Tiered PBS Support with Families Accessing Early Head Start Services. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Positive Behavior Support, Rosemont, IL.
- McCart, A. & Juracek, D.B. (2007, August). Preventing and Reducing Challenging Behavior. Presented at Workshop for early childhood providers through the Positive Intervention and Support Flint Hills Special Education and Cooperative: Emporia, KS.
- Wolf, N. & McCart, A., (2007, Fall). Parent training & Support. Presented at Project Eagle, Early Head Start, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS.
- Juracek, D.B., & McCart, A. (2007, May). Increasing Family Self-Sufficiency to Assess the Functions of Child Problem Behavior and Develop the Fix. Presented at Association for Behavior Analysis International 33rd Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
- McCart, A., & Juracek, D.B., (2007, May). Use of Evidenced-based Teaching Procedures in the Teaching of Job Skills. Workshop sponsored by Oklahoma Developmental Disability Services for job coaches working with adults with developmental disabilities. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A., & Juracek, D.B. (2007, March). Increasing Family Self-Sufficiency in the Development and Implementation of PBS to Address Challenging Behavior. Presented at Fourth International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Boston MA.
- Sailor, W., & McCart, A. (2007, March). RTI and School Reform: A Context for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support. Presented at Association of Positive Behavior Support, Boston, MA.
- McCart, A., & Juracek, D.B. (2007, January). Positive Behavior Support: Providing Effective Behavior Supports in Community Job Settings. Workshop Sponsored by Oklahoma Developmental Disability Services for job coaches working with adults with developmental disabilities. Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A. (2006, November). PBS in Early Childhood. Presented at the National Head Start Association, Detroit, MI.
- Sailor, W., & McCart, A. (2006, October). A Response to Intervention Logic Model. Presented at PBS Implementer’s Forum, Chicago, IL.
- McCart, A., Griggs, P., & Wolf, N. (2006, October). Implementing Effective Self-Management Systems in Urban Contexts. Presented at PBS Implementer’s Forum, Rosemont, IL.
- McCart, A. & Bannerman-Juracek, D. (2006, August). Strategies to Support Children with Challenging Behavior. Presented at Cherokee Indian Nation, 6th Annual Early Childhood Conference. Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK.
- McCart, A. Wolf, N. Griggs, P. Harsh, R., & Englebrick L., (2006, March). The PBS Data Analyzer: Going Beyond Analysis to Impact Individual Students. Presented at The Third International Conference on Positive Behavior Support, Reno, Nevada.
- McCart, A. (2006, March). Easy Functional Assessment. Presented at National Training Institute, Clearwater, FL.
- McCart, A. (2006, March). Early Childhood PBS Panel. Presented at International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Reno NV.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2006, March). Practical Strategies for Supporting Families. Presented at International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Reno, NV.
- Freeman, R., Kimbrough, P., & McCart, A. (2006, March). KIPBS. Presented at International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Reno, NV.
- McCart, A. (2006, March). Family systems change. Presented at International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Reno, NV.
- Harsh, R., McCart, A. & Wolf, N. (2006, March). PBS Data Analyzer. Presented at APBS Conference. Reno, NV.
- McCart, A., & Griggs, P. (2006, March). Positive Behavior Support Vision Planning. Presented at Kansas City Kansas Public School. Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., & Freeman, R. (2006, February). Child Welfare Vision Planning. Presented at Topeka, KS.
- McCart, A. (2006, February). Understanding Behavior. Presented at Jacksonville, FL.
- McCart, A. (2005, December). Going Beyond Data Analysis to Impact Individual Students. Presented at Kansas State Department Technology Seminar. Topeka, KS.
- McCart, A. (2005, December). Understanding Problem Behavior. Presented at National HeadStart Association. Washington, DC.
- Sailor, W., McCart A., Malloy, J., & Sprague, J. (2005, October). Developing Structures for Family/Community/Student Involvement. Presented at Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support National Leadership Forum. Rosemount, IL.
- McCart, A. (2005, October). Supporting Families and Communities: SAM. Presented at PBS Implementers Forum, Chicago, IL.
- McCart, A. (2005, October). No Child Left Behind and Schoolwide PBS. Presented at Implementers Forum, Chicago, IL.
- McCart, A. & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2005, Summer). Family-centered interventions and supports for young children with problem behavior. Keynote presentation for the Inclusion Institute Conference at Bloomsburg University. 4th Annual Inclusion Institute. Lewisburg, PA.
- McCart, A., Griggs. P., Sailor, W. & Hall, T. (2005, August). Longitudinal Impact of PBS Training for Parents and Teachers on Child Outcomes in Urban Settings: Center for Evidence-Based Practice. Presented at Portland, MA.
- McCart, A. (2005, August). Brief Overview of School-wide Applications Model (SAM). Presented at National Technical Assistance Center for Positive Behavior Support. Denver, CO.
- Choi, J. H., & McCart, A. (2005, March). Effectiveness of the continuum of all levels of SWPBS in Classroom Settings. Presented at 5th Annual International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Tampa, FL.
- Utley, C., McCart, A., & Wolf, N. (2005, March). Implementing Positive Behavior Support (PBS) in Urban Multicultural Schools: Research and Reality. Preconvention Workshop, Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Baltimore, ML.
- Harsh, R., McCart, A., & Wolf, N., (2005, March). The PBS Data Analyzer: A Comprehensive Web-Based Data Analyzer System for Examining Student Behavioral and Academic Outcomes. Presented at The Second International Conference on Positive Behavior Support, Tampa, FL.
- McCart, A., & Juracek, D.B. (2005, March). Practical Strategies for Supporting Families through Comprehensive PBS. Presented at Second International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Tampa, FL.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman, D. (2005, March). Practical Strategies for Supporting Families through Comprehensive PBS. Presented at Second International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Tampa, Florida.
- McCart, A., & Englebrick, L. (2005, March). That Might Work in the Suburbs but . . . PBS in the Urban School. Presented at Second International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Tampa, FL.
- McCart, A., Sailor, W., Roger, B., Keetle, S. (2005, March). Anchoring School-wide PBS in Comprehensive School Reform: The School-wide Applications Model (SAM). Presented at Second International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Tampa, FL.
- McCart, A., Griggs P., & Thomas J. (2004, September). PBS: Schools and families working together to understand behavior. Presented at Grant Elementary School, Kansas City KS USD 500, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., Englebrick, L., Lassen, S., Choi, J. H., Griggs, P. (2004, April). School-wide PBS in Kansas City, KS. Presented at Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) Annual Conference, Overland Park, KS.
- McCart, A. (2004, March). Legislative testimony on Senate Bill 531: Proposing a committee to consider hospital closure in Kansas for persons with developmental disabilities. Presented at Kansas State Senate, Topeka KS.
- McCart, A. (2004). Legislative testimony on a PBS incentive bill for the state of Kansas. Presented at Kansas House Committee, Topeka KS.
- McCart, A., Sailor, W., Griggs, P., Wickham, D., Wolf, N., (2003). School-Wide Approaches to PBS through the use of Empowerment Evaluation. Presented at The First International Conference on Positive Behavior Support, Orlando FL.
- Juracek, D.B., & McCart, A. (2003, October). Taking the “Challenge” Out of Challenging Behaviors. I Presented at invited keynote presentation. Salina, KS.
- Juracek, D.B., McCart, A., Sweeney, H.M., Price, J., Sheldon, J.B., Sherman, J.A., & Strouse, M.C. (2003, May). Enhancing quality of life and reducing challenging behavior with functional assessment and corresponding life arrangement. J.B. Sheldon (Chair). Durable Dance Partners: Enhancing Quality of Life for People with Developmental Disabilities. Symposium presented at the 29th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA.
- McCart, A. (2003, March). Implementing Positive Behavior Support in your School. Presented at Spring Forum on Positive Behavior Support. Lawrence, KS.
- McCart, A., Sailor, W., Griggs, P., Wickham, D. & Wolf, N. (2003, March). Whole-school approaches to PBS through the use of empowerment evaluation. Presented at The first International Conference of the Association of Positive Behavior Support. Orlando, FL.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (March, 2003). Helping Stakeholders “Take the PBS Wheel”: Evaluating a PBS protocol across settings. Poster presented at the First International Conference on Positive Behavior Support, Orlando, FL.
- Englebrick, L., Wickham, D., & McCart, A. (2003, January). Positive Behavior Support in Urban School Settings. Presented at Federal Office of Special Education Project Directors Meeting. Washington, DC.
- McCart, A., & Wickham D. (2002, December). Positive Behavior Support in Schools. Presented at TASH Annual Conference. Boston, MA.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2002, December). Addressing the Needs of Children with Autism, Day One. Presented at Oklahoma City, OK.
- Juracek, D.B., & McCart, A. (2002, October). Positive Behavioral Support: Addressing the Needs of Children with Autism. Invited Workshop by the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, OK.
- McCart, A., & Cottrell, B. (2002, May). Implementation of School-wide Positive Behavior Supports and Access to the General Education Initiatives in Kansas City Kansas. Presented at KSDE/KSDC Annual Conference: Connecting the Links to Student Learning Success, Wichita, KS.
- McCart, A., Wickham, D., & Cottrell, B. (2002, April). Positive Behavior Support: School Experiences with Positive Behavior Support and Access to General Education Initiatives. Presented at Midwest Symposium, Kansas City, MO.
- McCart, A. & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2002). Positive Behavioral Support: Addressing the needs of children with autism. Presented at New Mexico physical OUHSC Continuing Education Unit, Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCart, A., Wickham, D., & Cottrell, B., (2002, February). School Experiences with Positive Behavior Supports and Access to General Education Initiatives. Presented at Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders, Inc. Kansas City, MO.
- McCart, A., & Wickham, D. (2002, January). Kansas City Kansas: Positively Supporting All Students. Presented at Kansas City Kansas Board of Education. Kansas City, Kansas.
- McCart, A., Park, J., & Turnbull, A. P. (2001, December). Positive behavioral support for young children with special needs. Presented at 17th Annual DEC International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs, Boson, MA.
- Park, J., & McCart, A. (2001, March). Positive Behavioral Support for Young Children with Special Needs. Presented at Annual Kansas Division for Early Childhood Conference, Overland Park, KS.
- McCart, A., Griggs, P., Wolf, N., & Choi, J. (2006, September). School-wide evaluation training. Haysville Kansas School District. Haysville, KS.
- McCart, A. (2006, April). Individual PBS Part I and II. Spring PBS Forum. Overland Park, KS.
- McCart, A. (2005, September). Kicked Out at Three! Supporting Early Childhood Providers to Prevent and Deal with Challenging Behaviors. The Nations Network of Childcare Resource and Referral. NACCRRA’s 2005 Regional Institute: Focus on Practice: Developing a Continuum of Growth in CCR&R. Kansas City, MO.
- McCart, A. (2005, January). Introduction to School-wide Positive Behavior Support. Haysville, KS.
- Freeman, R., & McCart, A. (2005, July). Family Systems Change Initiative: Family Systems as Compared With School-wide Behavior Systems. National Advisory Board Meeting. Kansas Institute on Positive Behavior Support. Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., Griggs, P., Wolf, N. & Thomas, J. (2005, June). Family Wellness Workshop on Behavior Support: Effectively Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior through Research-Based PBS Strategies. Kansas Institute on Positive Behavior Support. Overland Park, KS.
- McCart, A. (2005, June)Person-Centered Planning for Children. Kansas Institute on Positive Behavior Support. Parsons, KS.
- McCart, A., & Harsh, R. (2005, June). The PBS Data Analyzer: Longitudinal Data Use for the State of Kansas. Kansas State Department of Education. Topeka, KS.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2005, August). Understanding the Needs of Diverse Parents: Adapting Your In-home Support for Parents with Special Needs (Part One). Child and Family Services Project EAGLE Community Programs. Kansas City, KS. d
- McCart, A., Griggs, P., & Wolf, N. (2005, September). Family Wellness Workshop on Behavior Support: Effectively Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior through Research-Based PBS Strategies. Kansas Institute on Positive Behavior Support. Overland Park, KS.
- Bannerman Juracek, D., & McCart, A. (2005, September). Understanding the Needs of Diverse Parents: Adapting Your In-home Support for Parents with Special Needs (Part Two). Child and Family Services Project EAGLE Community Programs. Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., & Griggs, P., (2004) USD 500 Principal’s Forum. Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2004, February). Providing Positive Behavioral Support for Students with Challenging Behavior. Inclusive Network of Kansas: Field Based Technical Assistance and Professional Development. Wichita, KS.
- McCart A., & Griggs P. (2004, September). PBS and Student Improvement Teams: Integrating school-wide, group, and individual support through PBS and SIT. Annual PBS Fall Forum, Overland Park, KS
- McCart A., & Griggs, P. (2004, August). PBS: Making differences locally and nationally. Management Team, Kansas City KS USD 500, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A, Englebrick, L., Rios, J., Cottrell, B., Riley, N., Wolf, N., Lassen, S., Choi, H., Griggs, P. (2004, April). Positive Behavior Support: Kansas City Kansas School District Making Positive Differences . . . Locally and Nationally. KDSE Conference.
- McCart, Griggs, & Wolfe (2004, February-March). PBS Data Analyzer: Data-based planning for effective behavior supports. Kansas City, KS USD 500 Principals, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., Englebrick, L., & Griggs, P. (2003, November). PBS Data Analyzer. Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), Topeka, KS.
- McCart A., & Griggs P. (2003, November) PBS: Working together as a family to understand problem behavior. Lowell Preschool, Kansas City KS USD 500, Kansas City, KS.
- Juracek, D.B., & McCart, A. (2003, October). An Overview of Positive Behavior Support. Invited workshop. Salina, KS.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2002, May). Positive Behavior Support: How to Develop and Implement Positive Behavior Support Plans. Rosewood Services, Great Bend, KS.
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., & Ozbun, S. (2002, August). Understanding Positive Behavior Support. Summer Training Series, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., & Ozbun, S. (2002, August). School-wide Expectations. Summer Training Series, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., Wolf, N., Ozbun, S. (2002, August). Individual Positive Behavior Support. Summer Training Series, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart A., & Griggs P. (2002, August). Starting the school year right! Positive behavior support. Arrowhead Middle School and White Church Elementary School, USD 500, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A. (2002, April). Positive Behavior Support 101. Region VII CRP-RCEP Issues Forum, Kansas City MO.
- McCart, A. (2002, April). Positive Behavior Support 102. Region VII CRP-RCEP Issues Forum, Kansas City MO.
- Wickham, D., Griggs, P., & McCart A. (2001, August). Creating a school community through PBS. White Church Elementary School, USD 500, Kansas City, KS.
- McCart, A., & Bannerman Juracek, D. (2001). Positive behavior support plan template: A tool for individuals with challenging behavior. Rosewood Services, Inc. Great Bend, KS.
- Freeman, R., Britten, J., Smith, C., & McCart, A. (1999). Online Academy Positive Behavioral Support Research Summit. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
- Sailor, W., Freeman, R., Britten, J., & McCart, A. (1999, May). Positive Behavioral Support poster presentation for the Online Academy Conference in Lawrence, KS.