Using Neuroeconomics to Characterize State-Based Increases and Decreases in Alcohol Value

Dole Building

Alcohol use disorder confers a massive public health burden and clinical advances depend on basic advances in biobehavioral research. In two studies, the proposed research will apply a neuroeconomic approach to understand brain activity patterns associated with increases and decreases in the reinforcing value of alcohol in the context of two clinically-relevant factors: a) increases in the value of alcohol in the presence of alcohol-related beverage cues; and b) decreases in the value of alcohol in the presence of a significant next day responsibility (e.g., work-related activity). Determining the neural signatures of change in alcohol demand in response to these real-world external influences has high potential to increase our understanding of how the brain supports decisions to modulate drinking in real-world drinking situations. 

Project details

  • Primary Investigator: Michael Amlung

  • Project start Date: 08/01/2021

  • Project finish Date: 07/31/2022



  • National Institutes of Health

  • Award Number: 5 R01 AA027255-03

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