KU Students Needed for Study on Eating Habits

Are you a busy college student? Do you have difficulties with food and body image? You may be eligible to receive a free single-use self-help lesson to help you with your unhelpful eating habits!

    Hands hold a phone

    The Life Span Institute is conducting a study that provides a free single session smartphone-based lessons for students with the goal of helping them reduce problematic eating!

    What you can expect:

    1. You will use a smartphone app to complete a single self-help lesson to learn more about unhelpful eating patterns
    2. You will complete an initial, one-week, and four-week survey

    You may be eligible if you are:

    • 18+ years old
    • KU student
    • Have access to a smartphone

    Information about potential risks and benefits will be provided. You will be compensated for your time. Visit this link to complete an initial 5-minute screening survey.

    Contact cope@ku.edu with questions.