Michael James Knight

- Senior Research Associate, KU Center for Research on Learning
Contact Info
1122 West Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. James Knight is a senior research associate at KUCRL and director of the Kansas Coaching Project. He has spent close to two decades studying professional learning and instructional coaching. He has served as the principal investigator of grants and contracts totally nearly $30 million all devoted to the study of professional learning and instructional coaching. He has written or co-authored several books on the topic including Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction published by Corwin and Learning Forward (2007) and Unmistakable Impact: A Partnership Approach for Dramatically Improving Instruction (2011). Knight co-authored Coaching Classroom Management (2006) and also edited Coaching: Approaches and Perspectives (2008). Knight has authored articles on instructional coaching and professional learning in publications such as The Journal of Staff Development, Educational Leadership, Principal Leadership, The School Administrator, and Kappan.
Dr. Knight earned his PhD in Education from the University of Kansas and has won several university teaching, innovation, and service awards. Knight also hosts Talking About Teaching on the Teaching Channel.