Michael Hock

- Director & Senior Research Scientist, KU Center for Research on Learning
Contact Info
1122 West Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101
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Biography —
Michael Hock, PhD, is Director of KUCRL, Senior Research Scientist, and Courtesy Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education. Hock’s research interests include adolescent literacy, reading motivation, and tutoring interventions for academically under-prepared adolescents and adults. Additionally, his research focuses on professional development, instructional coaching, and the school change process.
Dr. Hock is currently PI of an IES grant that is developing and validating of an online adaptive measure of reading motivation for adolescents. Additionally, he serves as PI for a grant on flipped instruction funded by the Oak Foundation. In the past, he has served as Co-PI of an IES Teacher Quality design grant, Co-PI of an IES Goal 2 adolescent reading grant, and has received additional funding from NICHD to develop, implement, and evaluate reading interventions for adolescents and adults who struggle with reading. This work has been disseminated in peer-reviewed scholarly publications and studies, found in Learning Disability Quarterly, the Journal of Learning Disabilities, the Journal of Learning and Individual Differences, and the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. Together with Drs. Don Deshler and Irma Brasseur-Hock, he is the author of Fusion Reading, a research-based reading curriculum published by McGraw Hill.