Kathleen Lynne Lane, PhD., BCBA-D

Kathleen Lane
  • Investigator, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities
  • Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor, Department of Special Education
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Research

Contact Info

Joseph R. Pearson Hall, Room 542
1122 West Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101


Kathleen Lynne Lane is a Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research. Dr. Lane’s research interests focus on designing, implementing, and evaluating comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (Ci3T) models of prevention to (a) prevent the development of learning and behavior challenges and (b) respond to existing instances, with an emphasis on systematic screening. She is currently President of the Council for Exceptional Children Division for Research (CEC-DR). She is the co-editor of Remedial and Special Education and Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. Dr. Lane has co-authored 11 books and published over 200 refereed journal articles and 40 book chapters.

Teaching Interests

  • Emotional and behavior disorders
  • Methodology- group and single case design
  • School-based intervention research
  • Comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (CI3T) models of prevention
  • Systematic screenings for behavior challenges

Research Interests

  • Emotional and behavior disorders
  • Methodology- group and single case design
  • Multivariate analysis using SAS
  • School-based intervention research
  • Comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (CI3T) models of prevention
  • Systematic screenings for behavior challenges

Selected Publications

Lane, K. L., Menzies, H. M., Ennis, R. P., & Oakes, W. P. (2015). Supporting Behavior for School Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Key Strategies [Books]. Guilford.

Lane, K. L., Richards-Tutor, C., Oakes, W. P., & Connor, K. (2014). Initial evidence for the reliability and validity of the student risk screening scale with elementary age English learners [Journal Articles]. Assessment and Effective Intervention39, 219–232. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534508413496836

McMahon, S., Martinez, A., Espelage, D., Reddy, L. A., Rose, C., Lane, K., Anderman, E., Reynolds, C. R., Jones, A., & Brown, V. (2014). Violence directed against teachers: Results from a national survey: Violence directed against teachers [Journal Articles]. Psychology in the Schools [00333085]51(7), 753–766. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.21777

Lane, K. L., Oakes, W. P., Menzies, H. M., & Harris, P. J. (2013). Developing comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered models to prevent and manage learning and behavior problems [Book Chapters]. In T. Cole, H. Daniels, & J. Visser (Eds.), The Routledge international companion to emotional and behavioural difficulties (pp.177-183). Routledge.

Reddy, L. A., Espelage, D., McMahon, S. D., Anderman, E. M., Lane, K. L., Brown, V. E., Reynolds, C. R., Jones, A., & Kanrich, J. (2013). Violence against teachers: Case studies from the APA Task Force. [Journal Articles]. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology1, 231–245. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2013.837019

Awards & Honors

2017-18 Outstanding Service to Public Education Award

Lawrence Public Schools


2018 University Scholarly Achievement Award

University of Kansas


Kauffman-Hallahan Distinguished Researcher Award

Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children