Jocelyn Washburn

- KU Center for Research on Learning Associate Director
- Director of Professional Development
- Assistant Research Professor
Contact Info
1200 Sunnyside Ave.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Jocelyn Washburn, Ph.D., is an Associate Director, Assistant Research Professor, and Director of Professional Development for the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. In her role as director of professional development, she provides leadership to the international network of Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Professional Developers. As a research professor, she provides leadership in proposal conceptualization, the development of research partnerships internal and external to KU, and the implementation of research methodology. Dr. Washburn is a principal investigator for federally funded research to iteratively design, test, and scale professional learning tools for coaches as well as a technology-based adaptive writing intervention, using artificial intelligence. Her research focuses on adolescent literacy, evidence-based practices, professional learning models, and educator collaboration. Additionally, she co-develops and delivers professional learning and coaching with a focus on adolescent literacy and provides technical assistance to and facilitates professional learning for schools, districts, regions, and state-wide literacy leadership teams.
In her previous roles, she has provided instructional coaching and technical assistance to teachers and administrators implementing evidence-based and inclusive practices. She has been a special education teacher, instructional coach, district literacy coordinator, and regional technical assistance coordinator. In these leadership roles, Dr. Washburn’s work has focused on systems change, instructional delivery, and adolescent literacy. Her career has been dedicated to the use of evidence-based, inclusive practices to support students with and without disabilities with an emphasis on adolescent literacy.
Education —
Magna Cum Laude
Research —
- Adolescent and content literacy
- Strategic, explicit Instruction
- Writing instruction
- High Leverage Practices
- Professional learning models
- Educator collaboration
Selected Publications —
Washburn, J., Myers, S., & Tralli, R. (Under Review). Leading sustainable school initiatives: A Case study of an implementation team integrating the Strategic Instruction Model into their school infrastructure.
Myers, S., Washburn, J., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (Under Review). Developing an adaptive professional learning model: Educator insights on their infrastructure needs.
Evmenova, A. S., Vermeer, A., Cooney, L. E., Washburn, J., Jackson, T., & Sulaimon, T. (2024). Evidence-based technology tools to support diverse learners, educators, and service providers across instructional settings. Focus on Exceptional Children.
Bulgren, J., Minarik, D., & Washburn, J. (2024). Higher order thinking and reasoning through primary source document analysis. In S. Waring (Ed.), Teaching with primary sources for cultural understanding, civic mindedness, and democracy (pp. 47-63).Teachers College Press.
Washburn, J. & Myers, S. (2023). Adolescents’ perspectives about their connective and digital literacies skills. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
Washburn, J.(2023). Monitoring reading component skills during a word level intervention for adolescents with limited reading proficiency. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice.
Billingsley, B. & Washburn, J. (2023). Collaboration high leverage practices. In J. McLeskey, L. Maheady, B. Billingsley, M. J. Brownell, T. J. Lewis, & S. R. Alber-Morgan (Eds.), High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions (pp. 9-10). Routledge.
Washburn, J. & Billingsley, B. (2023). Organize and facilitate effective meetings with professionals and families. In J. McLeskey, L. Maheady, B. Billingsley, M. J. Brownell, T. J. Lewis, & S. R. Alber-Morgan (Eds.), High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions (pp. 25-42). Routledge.
Weiss, M., Washburn, J., Friend, M., & Barron, T. (2023). Collaborate with colleagues to increase student success. In J. McLeskey, L. Maheady, B. Billingsley, M. J. Brownell, T. J. Lewis, & S. R. Alber-Morgan (Eds.), High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions (pp. 11-24). Routledge.
Myers, S. & Washburn, J. (2022). Increasing teacher access to instructional coaching through virtual tools: Advantageous before, during, and after the pandemic. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 30(3), 377–405.
Washburn, J. (2022). Reviewing evidence on the relations between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension for adolescents. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 55(1), 22–42.
Berkeley, S., Hock, M. & Washburn, J. (2022). Single case experimental design for evaluating basic reading interventions for students with learning disabilities: An Illustrative case. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 46(1), 6–16.
Washburn, J. & Billingsley, B. (2022). Leading effective meetings with professionals and families. In J. McLeskey, L. Maheady, B. Billingsley, M. T. Brownell, & T. J. Lewis (Eds.), High Leverage Practices in Inclusive Classrooms (2nd ed., pp. 24-42). Routledge.
Washburn, J. (2018). High Leverage Practices in Special Education: Collaboration Laminated Guide by National Professional Resources, Inc. and Council for Exceptional Children.
Washburn, J. (2016-present) Columnist on coaching and collaboration. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Selected Presentations —
Washburn, J., Myers, S., & Crawford, P. (2024, August 6). Research-Practice Partnerships to Advance Adolescent Literacy in State-Led Projects. [Workshop]. Office of Special Education Programs Annual Conference. Arlington, VA.
Washburn, J., Myers, S., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (2024, August 6). An Online, Adaptive Professional Learning Model to Support WRITE. [Technology Demonstration]. Office of Special Education Programs Annual Conference. Arlington, VA.
Washburn, J. (2024, June 18). Beyond Accommodations and Modifications: Implementing Specially Designed Instruction with the Strategic Instruction Model. [Webinar]. University of Central Arkansas, Virtual.
Washburn, J., & Billingsley, B. (2024, April 24). Leading Collaboration with Colleagues for Inclusive Classrooms and Intensive Intervention. [Webinar]. CEC’s HLP Palooza, Virtual.
Washburn, J., & Billingsley, B. (2024, April 24). Creating Conditions for Effective Collaboration in Schools.[Webinar]. CEC’s HLP Palooza, Virtual.
Washburn, J. & Vasquez, A. (2024, March 15). Strategies and Supports for Inclusive Teaching and Learning.[Collaborative session]. Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo. San Antonio, TX.
Washburn, J., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (2024, March 15). Adaptive and Comprehensive Professional Learning for Evidence-Based Writing Practices. [Poster session]. Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo. San Antonio, TX.
Myers, S. & Washburn, J. (2023, November 19). Purposeful Writing and Grammar Instruction. [Panel presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Columbus, OH.
Washburn, J. & Myers, S. (2023, November 17). Adolescents’ Perspectives About Their Digital and Connective Literacies. [Poster session]. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Columbus, OH.
Washburn, J. & Myers, S. (2023, November 15). Adolescents’ Perspectives About Their Digital and Connective Literacies. [Podcast interview]. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.
Washburn, J. (2023, October 28). Using Research to Align Systems and Supports for Specially Designed Instruction. [Breakout session]. National Association of State Directors of Special Education. New Orleans, LA.
Myers, S. & Washburn, J. (2023, July 12). Writing With Purpose: A New Content Enhancement Routine to Bring Student Motivation and Evidence-Based Writing Practices Together. [Breakout session]. KUCRL’s 45thAnniversary Celebration and SIM Conference. Lawrence, KS.
Washburn, J., Myers, S., & Rowland, A. (2023, July 11). Introducing KUCRL’s Adaptive Professional Learning Model.[General session]. KUCRL’s 45th Anniversary Celebration and SIM Conference. Lawrence, KS.
Washburn, J., & Tralli, R. (2023, July 11). Leading Sustainable SIM Implementation with School Partners. [Breakout session]. KUCRL’s 45th Anniversary Celebration and SIM Conference. Lawrence, KS.
Washburn, J. (2023, June 12.) Leadership in Special Education. [Invited Panelist]. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Academy 15th Year Reunion and Booster Conference. Richmond, VA.
Washburn, J.,Myers, S., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (2022, October 20). An Online, Adaptive Professional Learning Model to Support Writing Instruction. [Conference session]. Council for Learning Disabilities Conference. Richmond, VA.
Washburn, J. (2022, July 15). Win-Win! How Using Research Evidence in Teaching Catapults Professional and Student Growth. [Keynote]. VDOE’s Real Co-Teachers of Virginia Summer Academy. Richmond, VA.
Washburn, J. (2022, February 24). Installing the Strategic Instruction Model in Your School. [Webinar]. Alpha to Omega Schools in India and Singapore.
Washburn, J., & McCaleb, D. (2022, February 3). Science of Reading and SIM: What Do We Need to Know? [Conference session]. Florida SIM Update Conference, Virtual.
Washburn, J., Berkeley, S., & Hock, M. (2021, October 15). Using Single Case Experimental Design to Evaluate Basic Reading Interventions. [Poster session]. Council for Learning Disabilities Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Washburn, J., & Myers, S. (2021, October 15). A Virtual Community of Practice to Support Virtual Coaching with SIM Interventions. [Poster session]. Council for Learning Disabilities Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Washburn, J. & Tralli, R. (2021, October 7). Accelerate Learning with the SMARTER Instructional Cycle. [Teacher Webinar]. Marburn Con, Virtual.
Washburn, J. & Tralli, R. (2021, October 7). LeadingAccelerated Learning with the SMARTER Instructional Cycle. [Administrator Webinar]. Marburn Con, Virtual.
Brasseur-Hock, I., & Washburn, J. (2021, March 10). Evidence-Based Practices for Adolescents with Learning Challenges. [Webinar]. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of College and Career Readiness.
Lancaster, P. & Washburn, J. (2020, October 28). The Intersection of SIM and High-Leverage Practices. [Conference session]. Northeast SIM Update Virtual Conference, Virtual.
Washburn, J., McCaleb, D., & Stewart, L. (2020, October 28). Science of Reading and SIM. [Conference session]. Northeast SIM Update Virtual Conference, Virtual.
Berkeley, S. & Washburn, J. (2020, October 16). Single Case Design and Reading Research: What Have We Learned?[Roundtable Session]. Council for Learning Disabilities Conference, Virtual.
Washburn, J. (2020, September 11). SIM in Inclusive Classrooms. [Webinar]. Alpha to Omega Schools in India and Singapore.
Deshler, D. & Washburn, J. (2020, February 5). Evidence-based Practices to Practice-based Evidence: An Important Change in Focus. [Keynote]. Florida SIM Update Conference, Orlando, FL.
Washburn, J. (2020, January 23). The Intersection of SIM and High-Leverage Practices. [Conference session]. Arkansas SIM Update Conference, Conway, AR.
Brownell, M. & Washburn, J. (2019, October 25). High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: A Professional Development Guide for School Leaders. [Conference session.] National Association for State Directors of Special Education and Council for Administrators of Special Education Joint Conference, Louisville, KY.
Hock, M., Brasseur-Hock, I., Washburn, J., & Myers, S. (2019, October 5). Supporting Adolescent Reading: Effective Reading Programs, Student Self-Perception, and Instructional Coaching. [Panel session.] Council for Learning Disabilities Conference, San Antonio, TX.