Jay Buzhardt

- Associate Research Professor, Juniper Gardens Children's Project
Contact Info
444 Minnesota Ave
Kansas City, KS 66101-2942
Personal Links
Biography —
As an associate research professor at the Juniper Gardens Children's Project, Dr. Buzhardt's interests focus on investigating factors that impact the implementation, usability and effectiveness of technology-based intervention, assessment, and training. He has directed and co-directed several federally-funded research projects from NIH, IES, OSEP, NIDRR, and local foundations, including the following: He is co-developer and investigator of the OASIS (Online and Applied System for Intervention Skills) Training to train parents how to implement evidence-based practices with their young children with autism. He has been the lead scientist in the development and experimental evaluation of the web-based progress monitoring and decision-making tools for Infant and Toddler IGDIs. He is also co-developer and investigator of the Distance Mentorship Program, an online system to promote distance collaboration and training for school teams in rural areas who serve learners deaf-blindness.
Research Interests
- Web-based Parent/Teacher Training
- Early Childhood Data-based Decision Making
- Usability Testing and Human-Computer Interface Design
- Design Research Methodology
Professional Service
Consulting Editor
Teaching of Psychology.
Field Reviewer
Computers & Education.
Education and Treatment of Children.
Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Journal of Early Intervention.
NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field.
Guest Reviewer
The Psychological Record.
Scientific Advisory Board, AB-Pathfinder, Inc. Developer of mobile data collection software (2011 - Present)
Board of Directors
Integrated Behavioral Technologies, Tonganoxie, KS. Provides in-home ABA therapy to children with autism throughout Kansas and Missouri (2002 - Present)
Board of Directors
Century School, Inc., Lawrence, KS. Elementary School (2008 - Present)