Dawn Miller

- Associate Director of Technical Assistance, SWIFT Education Center
Contact Info
1315 Wakarusa Drive
Lawrence, KS 66049-3830
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Dawn Miller, is Associate Director of Technical Assistance for the Life Span Institute, SWIFT Education Center and is a member of the Center’s Executive Team. Her experience includes roles in statewide and district planning, professional learning, and implementation and evaluation of an integrated Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Dr. Miller is well known for her leadership in a national network of like-minded individuals and state agencies who share a vision and systems approach to supporting student success. She recently published a book, Leading Equity-Based MTSS for All Students, and has contributed to the literature in several Best Practices in School Psychology volumes, as well as authored other publications related to MTSS.
Education —
Research —
Research Interests
Systems-wide transformative change through an equity-based Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Professional Service
2017-present National Advisor for the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center.
2002- 2015 Planning committee member for the Midwest Innovation Conference on MTSS.
2000-present Board Secretary and founding member of Innovation in Education, LLC. This organization hosts the National Innovation Conference on Response-to-Intervention.
2010-2015 Blog writer for the RtI Action Network.
2014 Doctoral committee member at the University of Kansas – Department of Special Education.
2014 Doctoral mentor for Baker University.
2014 Book reviewer for Guilford Press.
2013 Chapter reviewer for Best Practices in School Psychology.
2013 Expert reviewer for the School-wide Evaluation Tool-Reading created by Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative.
2012 Contributor and expert reviewer for the RtI Action Network project.
2006 Invited contributor to the NASDSE Response-to-Intervention Blueprints. Dallas, Texas
2002 Selected as a USDE Reading First expert review panelist
2002 Certified Trainer for DIBELS through the Dynamic Measurement Group
2002 Certified Trainer for REWARDS
2000-2002 Advisory committee for the Kansas State Department of Education Family-School Partnerships training curriculum
2000-2002 Member of the Kansas Professional Development Leadership Academy offered through the National Association of State Directors of Special Education.
2000 Evaluator for Federal and State grants, Keys for Networking, Topeka, KS.
- Adjunct appointed faculty at the University of Kansas. Course taught on a noncategorical identification and service delivery model for special education.
1998 Invited expert witness at due process hearing, Keys for Networking
Selected Publications —
Freeman, R., Newcomer, L., & Miller, D. (2016). District leadership and implementation strategies for integrating intensive and individualized academic and behavioral student interventions. In F.E. Obiakor, T. Banks, A. Rotatori, & C. Utley, (Eds), Leadership matters in the education of students with “special” needs (pp. 20-25). Information Age Publishers, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Miller, D. & Freeman, R. (2016). Challenges Faced by New Implementation sites: The Role of Culture in the Change Process. In S. Jimerson, M. Burns, & A. VanDerHeyden (Eds.), The Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
Freeman, R., Miller, D., & Newcomer, L. (2015). Integration of Academic and Behavioral MTSS at the District Level using Implementation Science. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 13(1), 59-72.
Miller, D., Kraft, N. (2014). Best Practices in partnering with parents in school-based services. In A. Thomas & P. Harrison (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology-VI. Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.
Freeman, R., Perrin, N., Irvin, L., Vincent, C., Newcomer, L., Moore, M., Miller, D., et al., (2010). Positive behavior support across the lifespan: Expanding the concept of statewide planning for large scale organizational systems change (PBS Kansas Monograph No.1). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies.
Miller, D., Kraft, N. (2008). Best practices in communicating and involving families. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology-V. Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.
Miller, D., & Mather, K. (2005). Student Improvement Teams. In S. Lee (Ed.), Encyclopedia of School Psychology. Lawrence: Sage Publications.
Baker, S., & Hubbard, D. D. (2002). Best practices in the assessment of written expression. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology-IV . Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.
Hubbard, D. D., & Adams, J. (2002). Best practices in facilitating meaningful family involvement in educational decision making. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology-IV . Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.
Mather, K., & Miller, D. (2002). Student improvement team participant handbook. Topeka, KS: Kansas State Department of Education.
Baker, S., & Hubbard, D. D. (1995). Best practices in the assessment of written expression. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology-III (pp. 717-730). Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.
Shinn, M. R., & Hubbard, D. D. (1993). Curriculum-based measurement and problem-solving assessment: Basic procedures and outcomes. In E. L. Meyen, G. A. Vergason, & R. J. Whelan (Eds.), Challenges facing special education (pp. 193-226). Denver: Love.
Selected Presentations —
Miller, D. (November 2017). Revisiting all means all: Specially designed instruction within an MTSS. Invited workshop for the North Carolina State Conference, Greenboro, NC.
Miller, D. (2017). MTSS for young children: Creating continuity between Early Childhood, Head Start, and Elementary systems. Invited training for the Indianhead Community Action Agency, Ladysmith, WI.
Miller, D. (2016). Our Opportunity with MTSS: One system, all children, continuum of supports. Invited keynote at the Mississippi Professional Learning Institute, Jackson, MS.
Miller, D. (2016). Doing things different and doing different things. Invited presentation at the Oregon RtI Conference, Eugene, OR.
Miller, D. (2016). Three peas in a pod: MTSS, Differentiation and UDL. Invited presentation at the Vermont BEST Summer Institute, Killington, VT.
Miller, D. (2016). MTSS and Special Education: All students, one system, continuum of supports. Invited keynote at the Maryland Professional Learning Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Miller, D. (2015). What it takes: Providing high quality instruction for child and student outcomes. Panel participant at the OSEP Leadership Conference, Washington, D.C.
Miller, D. & McSheehan, M. (2015). Creating a positive school culture through an integrated educational framework. Vermont BEST Institute, Killington, VT.
Miller, D. & Meisenheimer, J. (2015). Coast to coast: Two state examples of creating strong and sustainable inclusive schools. Strategies for Educational Improvement Conference, Lawrence, KS.
Miller, D. (2014). Visible focus on first instruction. Vermont Professional Learning Institute, Castleton, Vermont.
Miller, D. & Reed, K. (2014). The impact of MTSS on Student Improvement Teams. KSDE Effective Schools Conference, Wichita, KS.
Tilly, D. & Miller, D. (2014). RtI and special education: Political bedfellows or kissin’ cousins. RtI Innovations Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Miller, D., & Wolfe, J. (2013). A district model for integrated RtI systems. Presented at the KSDE Annual Conference, Wichita, KS.
Miller, D. (2013). A district model for integrated RtI systems. Invited presentation at the Missouri PBIS Conference, Osage Beach, MO.
Miller, D. (2013) Building a Tiered System at the Secondary Level. Invited training at the ESU 3, Omaha, NE.
Miller, D. & Freeman, R. (2013). Building an Integrated Tiered System of Support: Current
District Work and Future Multi‐Agency Collaboration. Invited presentation at the Kansas Transition Summit, Wichita, KS.
Miller, D. (2012). Building a Sustainable Integrated Tiered System of Support. Facilitated training with the Iowa City District Leadership Team. Iowa City, Iowa.
Allison, R. & Miller, D. (2012). Fifteen years of innovation: How special education is impacted by RtI. RtI Innovations Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Goodman, S. & Miller, D. (2012). A district model for integrated RtI systems. Presented at the National PBIS Leadership Forum, Rosemont, IL.
Miller, D. (2012). Visible learning: Leading Short Bets for Impact. Invited address for principal leadership retreat, Hinkley, MN.
Miller, D. (2012). A Focus on Literacy Instruction at the Secondary Level. Invited training for the South Sarpy School District, NE.
Miller, D. & Wolfe, J. (June 2011). Blending a Tiered System for Behavior and Academics. Invited presentation for the Missouri PBIS Summer Institute, Columbia, MO.
Miller, D. (June 2011). Leadership for MTSS. Invited presentation for KanLEAD administrator project, Greenbush, KS.
Miller, D. (2011) Next steps for the big 5! Invited workshop training for the Nebraska NASCD Fall Conference, Ashland, NE.
Miller, D. (2011). The Mechanism to make change happen for staff, students, and families. Invited strand presenter: Integrating Positive Behavioral and Reading Supports. Annual Research to Practice Conference, University of Oregon Center for Teaching and Learning, Portland, Oregon.
Miller, D. (2010). Reactions to Jack Fletcher’s paper on LD identification in RtI. Invited panel participant at the NCLD Leadership Forum, Washington D.C.
Miller, D. (2010). RtI: Expecting and capitalizing on the dissonance. Invited convocation address for Edina School District, Edina, MN.
Goodman, S., Gibbons, K., & Miller, D. (2010). District-Level Implementation of RtI. RtI Innovations Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Miller, D. (2010). Problem-Solving Process in RtI. Invited presentation at the Indiana
Response to Instruction Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Goodman, S., Dorman, C., & Miller, D. (2009). District-Level Implementation of RtI. RtI Innovations Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Miller, D. & Stokes, T. (2009). A journey of change: From reading first to district response-to-intervention. Presented at the 35th Plains IRA Regional Conference, Branson, MO.
Miller, D. (2008). Multi-tiered system of support: Recreating for academic and behavioral success. Invited keynote, Kansas State University Summer Symposium.
Miller, D. & Riley, C. (2008). Multi-tiered system of supports in Kansas. Invited presentation for Paola USD.
Miller, D. & Freeman, R. (2007). Multi-tiered system of support: How academic and behavioral supports are structured for success. Invited presentation at the Kansas Conference for School Counselors Conference.
Miller, D. & Freeman, R. (2007). District-wide planning for multi-tiered system of supports. Presentation at the Kansas Effective Schools Conference.
Miller, D. (2005). Assessment That Informs Effective Instruction and Intervention: The Role of the School Psychologist in a Multi-Tiered Model. Invited panel participant at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference.
Miller, D. (2005). Growing the problem-solving process: Lessons learned from Kansas. Invited presentation for the Oregon School Psychologist Association and the Portland Public Schools.
Miller, D. (2005). Using data to direct parent understanding and involvement in literacy development. Inservices coordinated through the Kansas Parent Involvement and Resource Center.
Miller, D. (2005). (Really) Using data to direct school, classroom, and individual decisions. Presented at the DIBELS Summit, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Miller, D. (2004). The Problem-Solving Process in Kansas: Implementation and Influence on Special Education Eligibility. Invited presentation at the Oregon School Psychologist Association Conference.
Miller, D. (2004). The Problem-Solving Process: Extending the Process to School-wide and Targeted Groups in Kansas. Invited presentation at the Oregon School Psychologist Association Conference.
Miller, D. (2002, November). Using DIBELS data to drive decision making at the district, building, classroom, and individual student level. Inservice for DeSoto School District, DeSoto, Kansas.
Miller, D. (2001). Using a Problem-Solving Approach to facilitate Education Decision Making. Invited presentation at the Florida Council for Exceptional Children Conference.
Hubbard, D., & Boyce, K. (1997). First Step to Success: A combination school and home intervention to address young students displaying inappropriate behaviors. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children conference, Wichita, KS.
Hubbard, D. (1995, April). Curriculum-Based Measurement and Problem-Solving Assessment: Redefining Educational Decision Making. Presentation sponsored by the Oklahoma State Board of Education Special Education Section, Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
Hubbard, D. (1994). Monitoring student progress and making data-based decisions. Invited panel participant at the Central States School Psychology conference, Tulsa, OK.
Hubbard, D. (1994, October). How Curriculum-Based Measurement data assist with Title I decision making. Presented at the Title I Improvement conference, Wichita, KS.
Hubbard, D., & Campbell-Layman, L. (1994, February). Behavioral observations and data-based decision making. Inservice presentation for the NEKESC, Oskaloosa, KS.
Awards & Honors —
1992 Outstanding CEC Graduate Student of the Year Award
1988-89 Outstanding Future Educator Award
1986-89 U.N.C. Special Education Departmental Scholar Award
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
1997-current Kansas School Psychologist Certification
1993-current Kansas Special Education Teaching Certification
1989-current Colorado EMH Teacher Certification Level K-12