MTSS and Self-Determination: Examining the Impact of Tier 1 Supports to Promote Self-Determination and Academic Outcomes

The Dole building on a sunny summer day with blue sky and clouds.

This study will compare the efficacy of two types of implementation supports for teachers (in-service + online supports; and in-service + online supports + coaching) implementing the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) in inclusive secondary general education core content classes. Despite data linking the SDLMI to student access to the general education curriculum and self-determination outcomes, little is known about effective implementation supports to promote teacher knowledge, skills, and use of the SDLMI in inclusive general education classrooms. This project will address this gap. This project will be conducted in public high schools in Maryland and Delaware that support secondary high school students with disabilities to receive core content instruction in general education classrooms.

Project details

  • Primary Investigator: Karrie Shogren

  • Project start Date: 09/01/2017

  • Project finish Date: 08/31/2021



  • US Department of Education

  • Award Number: R324A170008